Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) ringenbachi Baiocchi 2004
Anthaxia ringenbachi
Size: 3.55-4.85 mm for males and 3.8-5 mm for females.
Host plant: Quercus coccifera.
Life cycle: adults emerging in May-June.
Distribution: Libya.
New species: Cyrenaica.

Ra's al Hilal, 07/05/2004 on Hypericum sp.; Wadi al Kuf, 01/06/2004 on yellow sticky traps placed on recently cut Quercus coccifera. Ras's al Hilal, 22/05/2005, P. Weill Leg.
See description by D. Baiocchi (2004).

Paratypes in the following collections J. C. Ringenbach (France), MNHN (Paris), NMPC (Czeck Rep.), D. Baiocchi (Italy), D. Gianasso (Italy), M. Gigli (Italy), F. Izzillo (Italy), A. Liberto (Rome), Takashi Kurihara (Japan), Victor Gashtarov (Bulgaria), Rafael Martinez-Porres (Spain).

JCR 22/06/2004

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